LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 2020 – The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Bakman Technologies a $40,000 Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) supplement. TABA supplements are intended to assist small businesses with the commercialization and protection of their technology.
“We are very thankful for the extra funding,” states Dr. Joseph R. Demers, CEO of Bakman Technologies. “It will allow us to further our marketing strategy and execute several patent applications. These patent applications are particularly important given some of the recent discoveries surrounding the interaction of THz radiation and COVID-19. We are very hopeful that what we are working on will have significant impact in a timely manner.”
As an NSF Phase II awardee, Bakman has been working to develop low-cost, high-performance, spectroscopic Terahertz sensors that will be useful for a variety of different applications. Historically, spectrometers have been relegated to the laboratory because of their size and complexity but recent technical advancements have made it possible to build a spectroscopic THz sensor small enough and light enough to be flown on a consumer drone.